* The Reily Board of Trustees and Officials meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. The meetings are open to the public. The public may discuss issues and make inquiries. The Public Records Request and Retention Policy can be viewed here. Congressman Warren Davidson's representative Zach Bohannon visits Reily during the third Wednesday of every month at 10am. The meetings are open to the public if they wish to attend or address the congressman’s representative directly. Overview of Meetings--Public WelcomeThe meetings start with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the reading and approval of the minutes from the previous meeting.
The floor is then opened for community members to speak directly with the trustees and officials. During this time they may voice issues and/or concerns or simply ask community-related questions. After the members of the public in attendance have had a chance to speak, the meeting proceeds with the trustees and officials discussing the items on the agenda, such as road reports, fire reports, old business and new business subjects. Other issues such as zoning, recycling, and property appraisals may also be discussed. The meeting ends with a statement of correspondence review followed by a motion to adjourn. |
For Inquiries Regarding Meeting Minutes & Agendas: Ron Tilford (Fiscal Officer) reilyfiscalofficer @zoomtown.com Zach Bohannon (Senior Field Representative) (513) 779-5400 zach.bohannon @mail.house.gov |
Reily Township
6093 Reily Millville Rd., Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-757-4683